SQUAD Evaluation Checklist

Master Thesis Procedures (Research & Technology)

توضیح: مبنای چک لیست حاضر آیین نامه های .......، بخشنامه های ........... می باشند
No Item Status Remarks
1 Form 0 (Thesis Title) Complete Incomplete  
2 Form A (Supervisor and Advisor(s) information ) Complete Incomplete  
3 Research Department Approval of Supervisor and Advisor(s) Approved Rejected  
4 Form 1 ( submitting the Thesis Proposal to the Department) Complete Incomplete  
5 Department Committee Approval Yes No  
6 Research Committee Approval Yes No  
7 Code Assignment Yes No  
8 Form 2 (Proposal Approval Notification to Student) Complete Incomplete  
9 Form 3 ( Letters to Supervisor & Advisor(s)) Complete Incomplete  
10 Form 4 ( Student Introducing Letter to Organization(s)) Complete Not-Applicable Incomplete  
11 Form 5 ( 3-Month Progress Reports Along with Presentation) Complete Incomplete  
12 Form 6 (Prepare the Abstract After Completing the Thesis) Complete Incomplete  
13 Form 7 ( Request for Defense Session) Complete Incomplete  
14 Form 8( Jurors Invitations) Complete Incomplete  
  Form 9 ( Date & Location of Defense Session) Complete Incomplete  
15 Defense Session held not held  
16 Form 10 (Assessment of Thesis) Complete Incomplete  
17 Form 11 (Minutes of the Defense Session) Complete Incomplete  
18 Form 12 (Submit the Bond Thesis in 5 Copies & 2 CDs ) Complete Incomplete  
19 Form B Complete Incomplete